Bachelor’s/master’s thesis: Proposed topics

7.2. Bachelor’s/master’s thesis: Proposed topics

7.2.1. Teaching and research staff

For professors: Creating and managing proposed final thesis topics Creating proposed topics and assigning them to students

The procedure to create proposed final thesis topics is as follows:

  • The proposed final thesis title is entered by a member of UPC academic staff who is attached to the FOOT.
  • The proposed topic is approved by the head of studies.
  • The proposed topic is published on the FOOT Final Thesis Market, where it can be viewed by students.
  • A student requests that they be assigned a proposed topic.
  • The proposed topic is assigned to the student by the academic staff member who is the supervisor for that topic.
  • The topic is accepted by the student.
  • Once the student has confirmed their acceptance of the topic, the supervisor must indicate that it has been assigned if they do not want it to remain visible.

Once a topic has been assigned, accepted and marked as “Registered and accepted” in the e-Secretaria, the student may register for the bachelor’s/master’s thesis within the time limits indicated on the academic calendar, provided that their academic record shows that they meet the final thesis enrolment requirements.

Basic instructions

To create a proposed topic, fill in the form (required fields are marked with an asterisk). Take particular care when completing the following sections:

  • Topic type. Specify whether the topic is for a project or a study:

Project: For bachelor’s theses that carry 24 ECTS credits and master’s theses that carry 12 ECTS credits.

Study: For 18+6 bachelor’s theses

  • Publication date: Must be specified.
  • Expiration date: By default, the expiration date will be one year from the publication date, but professors may change this and set any expiration date desired.

Support document: Final Thesis Market manual for academic staff



Student access to proposed final thesis topics

Students can view proposed topics at: Access to the website for proposed thesis topics

Period for requesting topics: November and March

The list of proposed topics will only be accessible during the periods for registering final theses (November and March).

Students must visit the website, log in and take the following steps:

1. A student requests that they be assigned a proposed topic.

2. The proposed topic is assigned to the student by the academic staff member who is the supervisor for that topic.

3. The topic is accepted by the student.

Once a topic has been assigned, accepted and marked as “Registered and accepted” in the e-Secretaria, the student may register for the bachelor’s/master’s thesis within the time limits indicated on the academic calendar, provided that their academic record shows that they meet the final thesis enrolment requirements.

Bachelor's degree students should note that the thesis type is indicated in the “Type” section: 

a)      Project: For bachelor’s theses that carry 24 ECTS credits

b)      Study: For 18+6 bachelor’s theses